Repurchase Defense

Repurchase Defense and Loan Defect
Evaluation Services

In today’s difficult environment, loan quality assurance is being challenged more than ever.  Investors, GSAs, and MI companies all are looking to offset defects, defaults, and fraud losses by looking back to originators for recovery.

The best defense requires a detailed risk analysis of the loans in question including a qualified loan level review, a review of purchase and sale agreements, and analysis of written demands to formulate a defense that can result in a reduction or elimination of any financial demands.  Quality, professional work preserves assets and preserves relationships.

Secure Insight’s team of mortgage industry veterans, with a combined 50 plus years of mortgage operations management experience can help you fight repurchases, indemnity and make whole demands.  They can also assist in loan level fraud investigation, pre-closing and post-closing (loss mitigation).

Options are limited when lenders are faced with repurchase demands, fraud files and indemnification requests.  Internal staff may or may not be qualified – and independent enough – to manage the complex issues, and specialized law firms charge up to $1250 hourly for consultation and business advice in this area.

SI Offers:

  • Expert industry review and analysis of risk, defects, and fraud issues.
  • Written analytical reports to identify defenses and outline strengths as well as weaknesses to help educate lenders to negotiate.
  • Ghost letter writing to respond professionally to demand letters from investors.
  • Loss mitigation assistance where fraud is discovered pre-closing.
  • Audit assistance when regulators identify loan level regulatory and compliance defects.

No hourly fees – Flat fee per project – Small project retainer- Quick turnaround

Note this is not a legal services solution, no legal advice or legal representation is being offered.